
Conservative Dentistry

Conservative Dentistry
Conservative dentistry is a branch of dentistry, which is concerned, with the conservation of teeth in the mouth. It consists of the sub-specialties of cariology, operative dentistry, and endodontics. A dentist usually specializes in conservative dentistry or can individually specialize in any of its three sub specialties.

Cariology: The discipline Cariology includes studies of all aspects of the tooth decay its cause, its prevention and its treatment - on the tooth surface.

Operative dentistry:
 Operative dentistry is that branch which deals with the diagnoses and treatment of structural defects in teeth which are the result of, or which predispose a tooth to, disease. The primary objective is to restores proper tooth shape and structure, function, esthetics and its harmonious relationships with surrounding tissues while preserving pulpal health. The field of operative dentistry is recognized as the core of general dental practice.

Endodontics: Endodontics is the branch of dentistry that deals with diseases of the tooth's pulp. Endodontics simply means” within the tooth” .Removal of the diseased pulp from the root canal and its subsequent filling is called endodontic treatment, which is often referred to as root-canal treatment or root canal therapy. The common treatment procedures carried out by a dentist who specializes in conservative dentistry are:

1. Fillings
     a. Amalgam
     b. Composite
2. Inlays & Onlays
3. Jacket & full crowns
4. Veneers
5. Root Canal Treatment
6. Periapical surgeries

The ultimate goal of conservative dentistry is to preserve natural dentition or to restore it to the best state of health, function and esthetics.